Ce projet est l’un des douze projets du programme intitulé « l’Initiative Pour la Restauration (TRI) », et ambitionne d’évaluer l’efficacité de l’utilisation du bambou et d’autres Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux (PFNL) locaux pour la restauration des paysages dégradé au Cameroun. Ainsi, il vise à utiliser le bambou et d’autres PFNL pour : 1) restaurer la productivité des terres et des paysages dégradés et conserver la biodiversité; 2) générer des revenus pour les communautés rurales grâce au développement et l’amélioration de chaînes de valeur du bambou et d’autres PFNL; 3) séquestrer le carbone de l’atmosphère pour lutter contre le changement climatique; et 4) évaluer dans quelle mesure le bambou peut contribuer à améliorer la nappe phréatique dans les paysages dégradés.
PINESMAP-BPCE is a biodiversity project sponsored by the GEF/UNE programme. The project is located in the South West region precisely in the Ndian division. The area is considered a biodiversity hotspot of global significance due to its biological diversity of plants and animal species.The project consists of three components and outcomes:
COMPONENT 1: Institutional and stakeholder capacity building to be able to engage in the development and implementation of the IESMP. Leading to Outcome 1:
enhanced policy, institutional and technical environment to develop an Integrated Ecosystem Services Management Plan (IESMP) for Bakassi mangrove ecosystems
COMPONENT 2: Participative and inclusive development and implementation of IESMP Leading to Outcome 2: Integrated Ecosystems Services Management plans that include mangrove forests conservation and mainstreaming in Bakassi forest ecosystems developed and its implementation initiated in few selected pilot areas through cross sectorial participatory processes that facilitate Increase investment and adoption by local communities.
COMPONENT 3: Knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation. This component aims to improve knowledge and monitoring of the socio-economic & environmental values of Rio-del-Ray landscape, fosters implementation of integrated Ecosystems service management plan, leading to Outcome 3. Increased knowledge products, inter-stakeholders sharing of knowledge and understanding of mangrove forest and terrestrial ecosystem services to foster the development and implementation of the IESMP.
Key outcome Indicators:
-At least 1 Policy and 1regulatory framework identified and agreed upon by key stakeholders during PPG phase, developed or adapted to Bakassi area to ensure integrated management of natural resources
-At least 1 Sustainable Institutional framework for integrated management of Bakassi area established
-At least 1 framework of conflicts risks and mitigation measures put in place and functional with active participation of key resources users. One (1) Integrated Ecosystem Services Management Plan developed in participatory fashion and available to all stakeholders for implementation -At least three (3) Identified livelihood options (e.g. introduction of efficient fish dryers, ecotourism promotion and Non