
Recruitment of four (04) national consultants for GEF Project ID 10850

4 juin 2024

GEF Project ID 10850: Support to Nagoya protocol implementation, research and development, on Biodiversity value chain for small holders in the South-West and Far North Regions of Cameroon

CONSULTATION N°1: inventory of genetic resources of the speciesIrvingia wombolu, Monodora myristica , Balanites aegyptiaca and Acacia nilotica and updating of the pilot catalog of Genetic Resources of Cameroon

CONSULTATION N°2: development of a centralized database on genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, and organization of specialized training on ABS implementation and use of the database

CONSULTATION N°3: development of a manual for the negotiation process of the Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT)

CONSULTATION N°4: development of a guide for the development of community biocultural protocols and pilot inventory of traditional knowledge associated with the species Acacia nilotica, Balanites aegyptiaca, Irvingia wombolu and Monodora myristica

Last modified: 4 juin 2024

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