On Monday 11 March 2024, the traditional flag-hoisting ceremony and official commemoration of the Commonwealth took place on the premises of the Ministry of External Relations.
The Minister of Environment, Mr. HELE Pierre, who was unable to attend, was represented by the Commonwealth Focal Point at MINEPDED, Mrs. Priscilla SONG.
On the occasion of this event which was the culmination of a week-long of enriching activities, including an exhibition on the esplanade of the National Museum and a joint MINEPDED- MINJEC conference for young people, prizes were awarded by MINEPDED to the best participants/contestants.
1) The prize for the best innovative environmental product presented at the Commonwealth Exhibition was awarded to asaab Thermal Cooker from the start-up asaab africa. The British High Commission in Cameroon also awarded a tablet to asaab africa for this innovation. The start-up was thus jointly rewarded by MINEPDED and the British High Commission. As a reminder, the asaab Thermal Cooker is a cooker and thermal bonus veren siteler insulator that can be used to conserve both hot and cold items. It was the centre of attraction for visitors during the exhibition at the MINEPDED stand.
It is worth noting that other private structures also took part in this exhibition, notably, Mboa hub and Namè recycling.
2) The second category involved works of art (drawings and paintings) inspired by this year’s theme (with focus on climate change), and in which secondary schools and youth associations were invited to contest. Here, St Joseph Comprehensive College Afanayoa won the first prize. The second prize was awarded to LANEC Young Ambassadors of the Environment, represented by the Junior Members of Parliament.
Drawing inspiration from the Commonwealth’s annual theme, the Ministry of Environment has chosen this year (which has also been declared the Year of Youth by the Commonwealth Secretariat) to focus on the eco-citizenship of young people, notably through their ability to innovate and be creative, whilst laying special emphasis on climate change mitigation, which is one of the world’s most pressing environmental issues.
Last modified: 13 mai 2024