

4 juin 2024

The Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, Mr. HELE Pierre, accompanied by his Minister Delegate and some officials from his Ministerial Department, received a delegation from UNICEF Cameroon on Friday, 31 May.

Led by the Representative ad interim Juliette HAENNI, accompanied by the Head of the Social and Behavioural Change Section, Fatimata BALANDI, the team is carrying out a project to promote alternative cooking solutions, with the aim of reducing pressure on forest resources in Cameroon.

UNICEF Cameroon intends to educate through communication for social and behavioural change, in order to give impetus to this healthy dynamic.

The possibilities of a mutually beneficial collaboration were explored by both parties. Minister HELE Pierre assured the participation of his competent services in the timely accompaniment of support for the project, which would be an asset in combating climate change and Sustainable Development

Last modified: 4 juin 2024

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